Perfect Age
21 Nov 2023
What is the perfect age for a child to get admitted to Pre-School?
Education is not just about ability to read and write. It refers to nourishing a child with knowledge, skills, values, building everlasting relationships with the peers, morals and creating his/her personality into a better being. A mother gives 24-hour-a-day for taking care of her child, especially in early years. Once the child is ready to go for formal education, the parents have a lot of questions in their mind. The questions arise are like:
1) Will my child stay without me for a duration of three hours or more?
2) Will my child eat without me?
3) How will my child communicate his/her needs? Let us understand that, with time all these queries get settled because every child grows differently not only physically but also socially and emotionally.
DPS Kamptee Road, #Nagpur is one of the admired CBSE day schools in the city. Since its inception in 2006, DPS Kamptee Road, Nagpur has been working with its highly qualified faculty and collaborations with leaders in education to deliver high-quality education. DPS Kamptee Road, Nagpur takes pride in preparing the youth of today to be responsible global citizens and leaders of tomorrow. DPS Kamptee Road, Nagpur has been ranked among the top 3 best CBSE schools in Nagpur for the last 3 consecutive years. The school aims at the holistic development of students through a conducive environment, sense of integrity, ethics and uncompromising honesty and a spirit of adventure.
NEP structure: The NEP (National Education Policy) seeks to restructure the method and the practice of teaching in schools into a new ‘5+3+3+4’ design, so that school education can be made relevant to the needs and interests of learners at different developmental stages.

What is a Pre-School? The importance of pre-school education was not given that much attention, but now it is considered important before formal education is provided. Preschools aim to develop different skills in children like personal, social and emotional development and communication skills to prepare them for school education. The creativity and eagerness are nurtured. It serves as a starting point for the above skills.
What is Formal Education and why it is important? Formal education is especially designed learning programs and a systematic form of learning for the children. The formal education of children starts when they cross age of three years. It is provided under a very professional atmosphere of School premises and by well-trained and professional teachers. When a child enters a classroom, he meets children from different communities, regions and of different potential, talent and capabilities.
Formal education helps in creating the social atmosphere which is the first most important bond which needs to be developed amongst them. The first five years to a child’s learning and development are very important. This is because a child’s brain develops the most at this age and is more receptive to learning from age 3 to 5. The more the brain is exercised in the early years, the more it develops the thinking, creative abilities of the child which will help him in his later years. Thus, it is rightly said, the first few years of life form the central building blocks for a child’s holistic growth and development.

The Perfect Age? As per the NEP, the perfect age is 3 years for a child to get admitted in Pre School. But to be prepared for school, your child might require a little more time. That the settling period of the child in school which may take from 0 to 30 days. So, don’t get disheartened. During this period, common problems a pre-schooler might face are:
1) unfamiliar environment due to which you should expect some tears 2) difficulty in communication 3) eating difficulties 4) transition from toddler to a Pre – School routine/p>
DPS goals for Pre School:
- Social Development - Building trust with people other than parents is a big step for a kid. A warm and cared environment created by the teacher will strengthen social skills in kids. It will help in Social and Emotional Development.
- Fine and Gross Motor Skills - By the time, the child id 3 years, he/she learns to enhance and slowly master both gross motor skills (which involve large physical movements) and fine motor skills (which involve hand-eye coordination).
- Routine Ready- The correct time to be routine ready: circle time, play time, snack time
- Sensory play – Sensory play stimulates the senses of the child and builds cognitive skills.
- Exposure to basic concepts – letters, numbers, colours, shapes, patterning, rhymes, sequencing
- Strong foundation- giving them a strong foundation for the elementary years Conclusion So, you as parents do not need to do anything special to prepare your child for preschool because the abilities required are ones that most children naturally have and we as teachers help them to nurture and develop. You only need to be supportive towards your child.